SATURDAY, APRIL 17: Regular Joe to Keynote Waupaca County Republican Party’s Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner

Join Regular Joe on Saturday, April 17 beginning at 5 p.m. for the Waupaca County Republican Party’s Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner where he’ll inspire you with a message of how to “Make Wisconsin Great Again.” Defeating 1-Term Tony Evers and replacing RINO’s with unabashed, courageous conservatives are some of the keys to making Wisconsin Strong, but how do we do that? Join Joe for this event and he’ll share the vision of how to get from here to there!
Other speakers will include remarks from former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and Johnathan Wichmann.
Tickets cost $30 per person. RSVP FOR DINNER DUE BY APRIL 9! Mail checks payable to Waupaca County Republican Party to the Waupaca County Republican Party P.O. Box 101, Manawa, WI 54949
For more information email or call (715) 256-7835 or visit their event page here:
WHO: Waupaca County Republican Party
WHAT: Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner “Make Wisconsin Great Again”
WHERE: Par 4 Resort 201 Foxfire Dr., Waupaca, WI
WHEN: Saturday, April 17, 2021 | 5 p.m. Cocktails | 6 p.m. Dinner
MEAL SELECTION: Andouille-stuffed pork loin; or boneless skinless chicken breast; or sliced roasted sirloin**
** Include names and what meat choice per person along with your check **