SATURDAY, MARCH 26: Regular Joe to Emcee Wood County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner

Join Regular Joe on Saturday, March 26th, beginning at 11 am – 2 p.m. for the Wood County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner.
Keynote speaker-Derrick Van Orden, A former Navy Seal who is running for Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District’s open seat.
Agenda: 10:30-12:00 Registration/Social Hour, Cash Bar, 50/50 Raffle 12:00-Pledge of Allegiance/Opening Remarks/Invocation/Prayer 12:15-Dinner will be served 1:10-Program Begins Joe Giganti 1:20-Senator Ron Johnson 1:50-Presentation of the Bob Knoll Award 2:00-Keynote Speaker Congressional Candidate Derrick Van Orden 3:00-Adjourn
NOTES: 50/50 Raffle $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 Signs $5.00, Stickers $2.00 for 10
WHO: Wood County Republican Party
WHAT: Lincoln Day Dinner
WHERE: The Ridges, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
WHEN: Saturday, March 26, 2022 | 11 a.m. COST: $30 (in advance) or $35 (at the door) RSVP: Candace Lemley at (715) 305-5664 or